Sunday 9 April 2017



May 2017

Full name: Timothy Michael Crowe

Date of Birth: 5 July 1948

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Citizenship: South Africa                              

Work address: Percy FitzPatrick Institute, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3 Rondebosch 7701, South Africa

Status: Emeritus Professor – formerly Deputy Director and Head of Systematics and Gamebird Research Programmes

Home telephone: +27-(0)21-6743835


Marital status: Married to Dr Anna Aletta Crowe since 1976

Degrees:  B.A. Biology, University of Mass./Boston (1970)
                M.Sc. Biology, University of Chicago (1972)
                Ph.D. Zoology, University of Cape Town (UCT) (1978) – passed by three
                  examiners without amendment – all chapters published or in press

Honours:         B.A. awarded magna cum laude, with honours in Biology
                        Elected Fellow- Willi Hennig Society -1983
                        3X-Merit Award- UCT ad hominem Promotions Committee 1987
                        Promoted ad hominem to associate professor 1988 
                        Promoted to Deputy Director - Percy FitzPatrick
                         Institute 1988
                        Successful application for the creation of the Pola Pasvolsky Chair in
                        Conservation Biology (R5000000) - 1993
2X Merit Award  - - UCT ad hominem Promotions Committee 2001
Successful application for creation of the Phillip Clancey Trust for African
  Avian Systematics (R3000000) - 2003
                        Promoted ad hominem to professor 2003
                        B-rated by National Research Foundation – 2002, renewed in 2007
                        Elected Fellow – University of Cape Town 2007 
                        Southern African Society for Systematic Biology life-time achievement award
                           for “extraordinary contributions to systematics in southern Africa” 2011
                        h-index as of 2016 = 22

Scholarship/Grant Support:

-  B.A. covered totally by various scholarships
-  M.Sc. covered totally by NDEA Title IV Fellowship
 - Ph.D. covered totally by Overseas Students Scholarship and a grant from De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd
-  Chapman Fellow - American Museum of Natural History 1981-82
     (This research was also supported by a post-doctoral grant from the Council for
     Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and smaller grants from UCT [Bremner
     Fund] and several American museums.)  Other Chapman Awards were granted in
     1978, 1984, 1986 and 1994.
-  Ernst Mayr Fellowship - Harvard University 1986
-  Recipient of long-term grant support from the Core Programme of the Foundation
     for Research Development (FRD) : 1985-2013
-  Leader of South Africa's sole FRD-funded Special Programme on Molecular
     Systematics (1990-1994) (annual vote R40000); additional grant support for this
     project from Southern African Nature Foundation (1991-1993) (annual vote
-  Member and coordinator of South Africa's major FRD- and DEA-funded Special
     Programme on Conservation Biology (1990-1994) (vote R300000 p.a.)
-  My research on avian biogeography and evolutionary biology has also been
     supported in part by grants from UCT's Research,  Equipment and Bremner
     Travel Committees and several U.S. and European museums.
-  Awarded special grant by FRD to educate resource economists 1994-96 (annual
      vote R25000)
-  In 1995, I was awarded an ad hoc grant of R60000 by the FRD to maintain the
    Fitztitute's M.Sc. Course in Conservation Biology of which I was the Co-
-  My and my students' research on prioritizing areas for biodiversity conservation
    was supported for 1996 by the Danish Centre for Tropical Biodiversity (R18300).
-  My and my students' research on gamebird biology has been supported by a range
    of investors from the public and private sectors (vote for 1997 R575500; 1998
    R720000; 1999 R650000).
-  Since the early 1980s, my and my students' research has been supported by the
   Foundation for Research Development (FRD), the National Research Foundation
   (NRF) and the THRIP Initiative
-  In October 2001 I was notified that a major, three-year grant from the South
   Africa/Sweden Bilateral Initiative (R380000) was approved
- Merit awards on 2000 and 2001 by the UCT Faculty of Science for "the meritorius
   nature of your [my] teaching and your [my] community and outreach work"
  Programme leader South African Department of Science & Technology
    Centre of Excellence


-   President - Biology Club, Univ. of Mass./Boston 1969-70
-   Chairperson - UCT Computer Users Committee 1980-81, 1984-89
-   Chairperson - UCT Computer Committee 1987-89
-   Since 1/1/87, I have sat on selection committees for posts within the Departments
     of Biochemistry, Zoology, Botany and Microbiology; Information Technology
     Services, Environmental and Geographical Sciences and the Electron Microscope
-   Elected to Pan-African Ornithological Congress Committee 1988
-   Member - Board for UCT Centre of Information Systems 1988-92
-   Member and chairperson of the UCT Safety Committee 1990-92
-   Member of Electron Microscope Steering Committee 1989-90
-   Founder and editor of ORIGIN, newsletter of the Association of Evolutionary
     Discussion Groups
-   Founder and editor of GREYWING, newsletter of the Gamebird Research
-   Elected to represent associate professors on UCT Senate - 1989-92
-   Elected life member of Committee of 100 of the International Ornithological
     Congress, the most prestigious international body representing avian biology 1990
-   Member of UCT Senate Nominations Committee 1990-94
-   Member of two task groups investigating the future of the Science Faculty 1991
-   Chairperson, Nominations Committee, Willi Hennig Society 1991
-   Elected to Council of the Willi Hennig Society 1992, 1997
-   Elected as chairperson of the Scientific Programme Committee for the 9th Pan-
    African Ornithological Congress 1992
-   Member of UCT Science Faculty Ad Hominem Promotions Committee 1993
-   Member - UCT Club Committee 1991-95 -- Chairperson 1993-95 
-   Founding Trustee - African Gamebird Research, Education and Development
     Trust (Patron Nicholas Oppenheimer) – 1991-1995
-   Vice-chairperson Scientific Programme Committee, 22nd International
     Ornithological Congress 1994-95
-   Research Associate Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural
     History (1996-present)
-   Elected President - Wildlife Management Association of Southern Africa
     (past member of its council – 1994-1996)
-   Convener of 15th Meeting of Willi Hennig Society of Systematic Biology (1996)
-   Nominated for election as president of the Willi Hennig Society - 1996 and 1998
-   External examiner for third-year course in Conservation Biology at University of
     Venda - 1997 - 2003
-   Associate Editor of CLADISTICS, scientific journal of the Willi Hennig
     International Society of Systematic Biology -- 1997-2001
-   Appointed the parliamentary-created Council of the Southern Flagship Institution
     (to transform and develop Cape Town-based museums funded by the national
      government – during May 1999 - acting CEO of SFI
-   Editorial Board of SYTEMATIC BIOLOGY, scientific journal of the Society of
     Systematic Biologists -- since 1999
-   President -- Southern African Society for Systematic Biology -- 2002-2003
-   External examiner for M.Sc. Programme in Mammalogy at University of
     Pretoria – 2001-2004
-   Chairperson – NRF South African Biosystematics Initiative
    Member of Steering Committee of the South African Biodiversity Information
      Facility – 2006-2013


- American Ornithologists' Union
- Willi Hennig Society (elected fellow, associate editor of its journal, Cladistics, and
    three time elected Member of Council)
- Zoological Society of Southern Africa
- Royal Society of South Africa
- Society of Systematic Biology (editorial board of its journal, Systematic Biology)
- Wildlife Management Association of Southern Africa (past president and council member)
- Partridge, Quail and Francolin Specialist Group (African representative)


1971 teaching assistant, Univ. of Mass./Boston
1972 teaching assistant, Univ. of Chicago
1973-76 Research Officer University of Cape Town and De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd.
1976-81 Research Officer Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, Univ. of
  Cape Town
1981-1988 Senior Research Officer Percy FitzPatrick Institute
1988-1996 Deputy Director, Percy FitzPatrick Institute
1997-2002 Associate Professor, Percy FitzPatrick Institute
2003-present Professor, Percy FitzPatrick Institute

Referees and areas of expertise: 

  Prof. Walter J. Bock
  President -- International Ornithological Congress
  Box 37
  Department of Biological Sciences
  Columbia University
  1200 Amsterdam Avenue -- Mail Box 5521
  Tel. 091-212-854-4487
  Fax  091-212-865-8246

  Dr Norman Myers CMG
  Upper Meadow, Old Road, Headington,
  Tel. 0944 1865 750387
  Fax  0944 1865 741538

  Dr J. Steven Farris
  Senior Curator
  Laboratory of Molecular Systematics
  Swedish Museum of Natural History
  Box 50007 SE 104-05
  Stockholm, Sweden -- OVERALL SYSTEMATICS
  Tel. 0946 8 5195 5162
  Fax  0946-8 5195 5181

Conferences attended – always presenting oral and/or poster papers – from 1985, almost always with student collaborators

- 4th Pan-African Ornithological Congress, Seychelles

- African Wildlife Research and Management Conference, Pretoria

- 17th International Ornithological Congress, Berlin
- Systematics Symposium, Zoological Society of Southern Africa,

- 4th National Oceanographic Symposium, Cape Town

- 5th Pan-African Ornithological Congress, Malawi
- Mediterranean Ecosystems Conference, Stellenbosch

- Birds and Man Symposium, Johannesburg
- African Wildlife Research and Management Conference, Pretoria
- Conservation of Coastal Lowlands in the Western Cape Province,

- Zoological Society of Southern Africa Symposium, Environmental
  Physiology, Zoogeography and Speciation, Durban/Westville
  (keynote address)
- Workshop on Multivariate Methods in Ecology, Edinburgh
- 17th International Ethological Conference, Oxford

- Cooper Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Logan, Utah
- Symposium on Coevolution, Chicago
- Joint Annual Meeting of Society for the Study of Evolution and
  the American Society of Naturalists, Stony Brook, New York
- Zoological Society of Southern Africa Symposium, Zoology of
  Arid and Semi-arid Environments, Swakopmund

- African Wildlife Research and Management Conference,
- Symposium on Biogeography and Evolutionary Ecology of African
  Vertebrates, Bonn, West Germany
- 4th Meeting -- Willi Hennig Society, London (poster paper on
  analysis of multiple data sets in phylogenetics)

- Zoological Society of Southern Africa Symposium on Competition
  and Coexistence, Pietermaritzburg

- 19th International Ornithological Congress, Ottawa

- Southern African Ornithological Society Symposium on Birds of
  Evergreen Forests, Wilderness, C.P.

- 7th Pan-African Ornithological Congress, Kenya [I organized and
  chaired a symposium on systematics and biogeography]
- Conserving Biotic Diversity in Southern Africa, Cape Town
- Symposium celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the German
  Ornithological Society, Bonn
- 2nd International Symposium on Avian Palaeontology and
  Evolution, Los Angeles

- Symposium on Biogeography and Evolutionary Ecology of Tropical
  Vertebrates, Bonn, West Germany -- Chaired two sessions

- Southern African Ornithological Society Symposium on Long Term
  Studies of Birds, Bloemfontein
- 108th Annual Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union, Los
  Angeles, USA
- Fourth International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary
  Biology, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
- Biotechnology and the Conservation of Genetic Diversity,
  London, United Kingdom
- Genetics and Wildlife Conservation, Bologna, Italy
- 20th International Ornithological Congress, Christchurch, New
  Zealand (chairperson of a symposium on the Systematics and
  Biogeography of African Birds)

- Zoological Society of Southern Africa Symposium "Animals and
  their changing world", Stellenbosch
- Workshop on Conservation and Genetics, Stellenbosch (I organized and chaired
   the workshop; presented two papers; and edited its proceedings)
- 10th Meeting -- Willi Hennig Society, Toronto, Canada
- Sixth International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and
  Francolins, Fordingbridge, U.K.

- Systematics and Conservation Evaluation, London, U.K.
- Zoological Society of Southern Africa Symposium "Populations
  in Time and Space", Kimberley
- 11th Meeting -- Willi Hennig Society, Paris, France
- Conservation of Biodiversity in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
- 8th Pan-African Ornithological Congress, Bujumbura, Burundi

- Biotech SA '93, First South African Biotechnology Conference,
- Natal Parks Board, Scientific Services Annual Symposium,
- Southern African Wildlife Management Association Symposium on
  Biodiversity in Practice, Port Elizabeth
- NATO Conference on Morphometrics, Il Ciocco, Italy  
- Symposium on Models of Phylogeny Reconstruction, London, U.K.
- 12th Meeting- Willi Hennig Society, Fullerton, California
- Workshop on developing a regional strategy for the Scientific
  Services Division of Natal Parks Board, Umfolozi

- 21st International Ornithological Congress, Vienna (Co-chaired
  round table discussion on bird conservation in Africa)

- 14th Meeting -- Willi Hennig Society, Texas A.&M. University,
  College Station
- Symposium "Ethics and the sustainable utilisation of wildlife",
  University of Cape Town

- 15th Meeting -- Willi Hennig Society, University of Cape Town
  (convener and chairperson of scientific committee)

- Symposium -- Molecules and Morphology in Systematics, Natural
  History Museum, Paris (oral paper -- Combined vs partitioned
  data in cladistic analysis)
- International Conference on Galliformes, Taman Nagara, Malaysia
  (plenary paper on evolution of Galliformes, convened a workshop
  on sustainable utilisation of gamebirds)
- 16th Meeting -- Willi Hennig Society, George Washington
  University, Washington D.C.

- 17th Meeting -- Willi Hennig Society, University of Sao Paulo,
  Brazil-- (oral paper -- A multifaceted concept of species --
  chaired a session of contributed papers)
- 22nd International Ornithological Congress, Durban -- (convened and
  chaired a session on species concepts; co-author of seven other
  oral or poster papers  -- chaired the final plenary session –
  attended meetings of the IOC Committee)
- Conference: Dennett's philosophy: a comprehensive assessment,
  Memorial University, St John's, Newfoundland, Canada

- 117th Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union – Cornell University,
  Ithaca, New York

- 18th Meeting -- Willi Hennig Society, University of Goettigen, Germany

- 19th Meeting -- Willi Hennig Society, Natural History Museum, Leiden, Holland
- Annual Meeting of Societies of Systematic Biology, Evolution and American
   Naturalists -- Indian University, Bloomington, USA

- 20th Meeting -- Willi Hennig Society, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA
119 th Annual Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union, University of Washington, Seattle, USA 
25th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists and Perdix IX, Lemesos, Cyprus

- 23rd International Ornithological Congress, Beijing, China -- (chaired a symposium)

  4th Symposium of the Southern African Society for Systematic Biology, University of Pretoria

- 22nd Meeting -- Willi Hennig Society, New York Botanical Gardens, Bronx, New York

- 23rd Meeting -- Willi Hennig Society, CNRS, Paris, France

   27th Meeting – Willi Hennig Society, Tucuman, Argentina

   28th Meeting – Willi Hennig Society, Singapore

   29th Meeting – Willi Hennig Society, Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA

   30th Meeting – Willi Hennig Society – São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

  31st  Meeting – Willi Hennig Society – University of California Riverside, California, USA

Published Work

Publication numbers marked with asterisks indicate co-authorship with a student who worked under my supervision or co-supervision. 

Publications in scientific journals – those marked with * co-authored by students:

Crowe, T.M.   1977.  Variation in intestinal helminth infestation of the Helmeted Guineafowl. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 7: 1-3.

Crowe, T.M. & R. Liversidge.  1977.  Disproportionate mortality in a population of Springbok (Artiodactyla : Bovidae).  Zoologica Africana 12: 469-473.

*Marsh, B., T.M. Crowe & W.R. Siegfried.  1978.  Species richness and abundance of clinid fish (Teleostei : Clinidae) in intertidal rock pools.  Zoologica Africana 13: 283-291.

Crowe, T.M. & W.R. Siegfried.  1978.  It's raining guineafowl in the northern Cape.  South African Journal of Science 74: 261-262.

Crowe, T.M.  1978.  The evolution of guineafowl (Galliformes, Phasianidae, Numidinae): taxonomy, phylogeny, speciation and biogeography.  Annals of the South African Museum 76: 43-136.

Crowe, T.M.  1978.  Limitation of population in the Helmeted Guineafowl.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research  8: 117-126.

Boshoff, A., R.K. Brooke & T.M. Crowe.  1978.  A computerized mapping scheme for vertebrates in southern Africa.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research  8: 145-149.

Crowe, T.M.  1979.  Adaptive morphological variation in Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris and Crested Guineafowl Guttera pucherani.  Ibis 121: 313-320.

*Crowe, T.M. & A.A. Crowe  1979.  Anatomy of the vascular system of the head and neck of the Helmeted Guineafowl.  Journal of Zoology, London  188: 221-233.

Crowe, T.M.  1979.  Lots of weeds: insular phytogeography of vacant urban lots.  Journal of Biogeography 6: 169-181.

Crowe, T.M. & P.C. Withers.  1979.  Brain temperature regulation in Helmeted Guineafowl.  South African Journal of Science 75: 362-365.

Linder, H.P., P.M. Strebel & T.M. Crowe.  1980.  Island biogeography and the acacia clumps at the Nxai Pan, Botswana.  Botswana Notes and Records 12: 170-173.

Withers, P.C. & T.M. Crowe.  1980.  Brain temperature fluctuations of Helmeted Guineafowl under semi-natural conditions.  Condor 82: 99-101.

Mimmack, G.M., P.D. Morant, T.M. Crowe & A.A. McKenzie.  1980.  DIRECT: a computer programme for the analysis of directional data.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research  10: 29-37.

Crowe, T.M., J.C. Schijf & A.A. Gubb.  1981.  Effects of fire, vegetation, rainfall and habitat physiognomy on a northern Cape animal community.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 11: 87-104.

*Crowe, T.M., A.G. Rebelo, W.J. Lawson & A.J. Manson.  1981.  Patterns of variation in body-mass in the Black-eyed Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus.  Ibis 123: 336-345.

*Guillet, A. & T.M. Crowe.  1981.  Seasonal variation in group size and dispersion in a population of Great White Pelicans.  Gerfaut 71: 185-194.

*Knight, R.W., T.M. Crowe & W.R. Siegfried.  1982.  Distribution and species richness in southern African trees.  South African Journal of Botany 48: 455-480.

*Berry, H.H., W.R. Siegfried & T.M. Crowe.  1982.  Activity patterns in a population of free-ranging wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus  at Etosha National Park.  Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie 59: 229-246.

Crowe, T.M. & A.A. Crowe.  1982.  Patterns of distribution, diversity and endemism in Afrotropical birds.  Journal of Zoology, London 198: 417-442.

Brooke, R.K. & T.M. Crowe.  1982.  Variation in species richness among the offshore islands of the southwestern Cape.  South African Journal of Zoology 17: 49-58.

*Guillet, A. & T.M. Crowe.  1983.  Temporal variation in foraging and bird sanctuary visitation by a southern African population of Great White Pelicans Pelecanus onocrotalus.  Biological Conservation 26: 15-31.

*Berry, H.H., W.R. Siegfried & T.M. Crowe.  1984.  Orientation of wildebeest in relation to sun and wind direction.  Madoqua 13: 297-301.

*Guillet, A. & T.M. Crowe.  1984.  Biogeography and ecology of waterbirds in arid sub-Saharan Africa.  South African Journal of Science  80: 188. 

Crowe, T.M.  1984.  Diet of Helmeted Guineafowl in a semi-arid environment.  South African Journal of Science 80: 188.

*Guillet, A. & T.M. Crowe.  1985.  Patterns of distribution and diversity of Afrotropical waterbirds.  African Journal of Ecology 23: 89-120.

*Taylor, P.J., J.U.M. Jarvis, T.M. Crowe & K.C. Davies.  1985.  Age determination in the Cape Molerat,  Georychus capensis.  South African Journal of Zoology 20: 261-267.

Berry, M.P.S. & T.M. Crowe.  1985.  Effects of monthly and annual rainfall on game bird populations in the northern Cape Province, South Africa.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 15: 69-76.

Crowe, A.A. & T.M. Crowe.  1985.  Coexistence of two small waders, Charadrius marginatus and Calidris alba, on a sandy beach.  South African Journal of Science 81: 669.

*Guillet, A. & T.M. Crowe.  1986.  A preliminary investigation of patterns of distribution and species richness of southern African waterbirds.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 16: 65-81.

*Elbin, S.B., T.M. Crowe & H.B. Graves.  1986.  Reproductive behaviour of Helmeted Guinea Fowl (Numida  meleagris): mating system and parental care.  Applied Animal Behavioral Science 16: 179-197.

Berry, M.P.S. & T.M. Crowe.  1987.  Effects of monthly and annual rainfall on game bird populations in the northern Cape Province, South Africa.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research supplement 1: 116-117.

*Guillet, A. & T.M. Crowe.  1987.  Monthly and seasonal changes in the aquatic avifauna at Rondevlei Bird Sanctuary (Cape Province, South Africa).  Avocetta 11: 1-16.

*Raubenheimer, D. & T.M. Crowe.  1987.  The Recognition Species Concept: is it really an alternative?  South African Journal of Science 83: 530-534.

Clancey, P.A., R.K. Brooke, T.M. Crowe & J.M. Mendelsohn.  1987.  SAOS checklist of southern African birds: first updating report.  Southern African Ornithological Society, Johannesburg.

Crowe, T.M.  1987.  Species as individuals or classes:  an "iconoclassificationist's" view.  Biology and Philosophy 2: 167.

*Koen, J.H. & T.M. Crowe.  1987.  Animal-habitat relationships in the Knysna Forest, South Africa:  discrimination between forest types by birds and    invertebrates.  Oecologia (Berlin) 72: 412-422.

Crowe, T.M.  1988.  Molecules vs morphology in phylogenetics: a non-controversy.  Transactions of the Royal Society South Africa 46: 317-334.

Crowe, T.M., A.C. Kemp, R.A. Earle & W.S. Grant.  1989.  Systematics is the most essential, but most neglected, biological science.  South African Journal of Science 85: 418-423.

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  Pan-African ornithology divided.  Nature 338: 11-12.

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  Botanists, zoologists, palaeobiologists, biogeographers, earth scientists and molecular biologists unite!  South African Journal of Science 85: 417.

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  Vertebrate systematics and biogeography in the tropics. South African Journal of Science 85: 497.

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  Character "assassination" reborn!  A report on a workshop on cladistics and cladistic biogeography.  Cladistics 6: 101-103.

*Fraser, M.W. & T.M. Crowe.  1990.  Effects of alien woody-plant invasion on the birds of Mountain fynbos in the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve.  South African Journal of Zoology 25: 97-108.

Brooke, R.K., T.M. Crowe & M.S. Chambal.  1990.  Copulatory behaviour in Burchell's Coucal  Centropus burchellii.  Ostrich 61: 87.

Clancey, P.A., R.K. Brooke, T.M. Crowe & J.M. Mendelsohn.  1991.  S.A.O.S. checklist of southern African birds: second updating report.  Southern African Ornithological Society, Johannesburg: 53 pp. 

Crowe, T.M., W.R. Siegfried & E.H. Harley.  1991.  Recent advances in palaeoanthropology, conservation biology, phylogenetics and molecular evolution.  South African Journal of Science 87: 154-163.

Crowe, T.M.  1991.  Genetics, biotechnology and the conservation of biodiversity?  South African Journal of Science 87: 81-84.

Randi, E., G. Fusco, R. Lorenzini & T.M. Crowe.  1991.  Phylogenetic relationships and rates of allozyme evolution in the Phasianoidea.  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 19: 213-221.

Crowe, T.M.  1991.  International ornithology: politics, progress and possibilities.  South African Journal of Science 87: 350-352.

*Jacobs, D.S., N.C. Bennett, J.U.M. Jarvis & T.M. Crowe. 1991.  The colony structure and dominance hierarchy of the Damaraland Mole-rat Cryptomys damarensis (Rodentia: Bathyergidae), from Namibia.  Journal of Zoology, London 224: 553-576.

Crowe, T.M. & L.L. Short.  1992.  A new gallinaceous bird from the Oligocene of Nebraska.   Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Contributions to Science 36: 179-185.

*Crowe, T.M., E.H. Harley, M.B. Jakutowicz, J. Komen & A.A. Crowe.  1992.  Phylogenetic, taxonomic and biogeographical implications of genetic, morphological, and behavioral variation in francolins (Phasianidae: Francolinus).  Auk 109: 24-42.

*Earle, R.A., R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe.  1992.  Haematozoa of Greywing Francolin from the Stormberg of the eastern Cape Province, South Africa.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 22: 94-97.

*Little, R.M. & T.M. Crowe.  1992.  Vocal behaviour of Greywing Francolin Francolinus africanus can be used to estimate population density.  Ostrich 63: 98-109.

*Little, R.M. & T.M. Crowe.  1992.  The use of morphometrics and development of plumage in estimating the growth patterns and age of Greywing Francolin Francolinus africanus.  Ostrich 63: 172-179.

*Little, R.M. & T.M. Crowe.  1993.  The breeding biology of the Greywing Francolin Francolinus africanus and its implications for hunting and management.  South African Journal of Zoology 28: 6-12.

Crowe, T.M.  1993.  Promoting the preservation and utilization of African biodiversity: the University of Cape Town's programme in conservation biology.  Bulletin of the Southern African Institute of Ecologists and the Environmental Scientists 12: 20-24.

Crowe, T.M.  1993.  Validation of some newly proposed names for francolins, Phasianidae.  Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 113(3): 191.

Crowe, T.M.  1993.  Evaluation for nature conservation: principles and criteria.  South African Journal of Science 89: 2-5.

Crowe, T.M. & W.R. Siegfried.  1993.  Conserving Africa's biodiversity:  stagnation or innovation.  South African Journal of Science 89: 208-210.

*Little, R.M. & T.M. Crowe.  1993.  Hunting efficiency and the impact of hunting on Greywing Francolin populations.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 23: 31-35.

*Little, R.M., G. Malan & T.M. Crowe. 1993.  The use of counts of Namaqua Sandgrouse at watering sites for population estimates.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 23: 26-28.

*Little, R.M., A. Verster & T.M. Crowe. 1993. Seasonal and demographical variation in intestinal helminth infection of Greywing Francolin. Ostrich 64: 178-181.

Malan G., R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe. 1993. The effects of hunting effort and weather on hunting success and population dynamics of Namaqua sandgrouse.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 23: 107-111.

*Little, R.M., W.S. Grant & T.M. Crowe.  1993.  Does hunting affect the demography and genetic structure of Greywing Francolin Francolinus africanus?  Biodiversity & Conservation 2: 567-585.

*Little, R.M., R.M. Gous & T.M. Crowe.  1993.  The distribution and abundance of Greywing Francolin, Francolinus africanus, on the Stormberg Plateau, eastern Cape Province, South Africa, in relation to diet and substrata.  Ostrich 64: 105-114.

*Little, R.M., R.A. Earle & T.M. Crowe.  1993.  Mortality caused by histomoniasis in young Greywing Francolin.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 23: 57-58.

Crowe, T.M.  1994.  Morphometrics, phylogenetic models and cladistics: means to an end or much ado about nothing?  Cladistics 10: 77-84.

Crowe, T.M., M.F. Essop, D.G. Allan, R.K. Brooke & J. Komen.  1994.  Overlooked units of comparative and conservation biology: the Black Korhaan Eupodotis afra (Otididae) as a case study.  Ibis 136: 166-175.

Crowe, T.M., M.A. Isahakia & E.B. Knox.  1994.  Research and training priorities in biological conservation: African solutions to African problems.  South African Journal of Science 90: 517-518.

Crowe, T.M., W.R. Siegfried, A.T. Lombard & M.A. du Plessis.  1994.  Science and the development of strategies for the conservation of biodiversity in the 'new' South Africa.  Bulletin of the Southern African Institute of Ecologists and Environmental Scientists 13(1): 13-19.

Kemp, A.C. & T.M. Crowe. 1994.  Morphometrics of falconets and hunting behaviour of the Black-thighed Falconet Microhierax fringillarius.  Ibis 136: 44-49.

*Malan, G., R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe. 1994. Temporal and spatial patterns of abundance and breeding activity of Namaqua Sandgrouse in South Africa. South African Journal of Zoology 29: 162-167.

*Turpie, J.K. & T.M. Crowe.  1994.  Patterns of distribution, diversity and endemism of larger African mammals.  South African Journal of Zoology 29: 19-32.

Little, R.M. & T.M. Crowe.  1994. Conservation implications of deciduous fruit farming on birds in the Elgin district, Western Cape Province, South Africa.  Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 49: 185-197.

Little, R.M., C. Villacastin & T.M. Crowe. 1995.  Conservation implications of long-term population trends, environmental correlates and predictive models for Namaqua Sandgrouse Pterocles namaqua. Biological Conservation 75: 93-101.

*Little, R.M., K. Vester & T.M. Crowe.  1995. Temporal and spatial breeding patterns of 12 duck species (Anatidae) in the Cape provinces, South Africa, and their implications for hunting seasons. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 25: 17-22.

Crowe, T.M.  1995.  Wildlife utilization: science vs ethics and Northern vs Southern perspectives.  South African Journal of Science   91: 375-376.

*Witt, A.B.R., R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe. 1995. The effectiveness of Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris (Linnaeus 1766) in controlling the banded fruit weevil Phlyctinus callosus (Schonherr 1826), and their impact on other invertebrates in apple orchards in the Western Cape Province, South Africa.  Agricultural Ecosystems & the Environment 55: 169-179.

*Little, R.M., J.S.A. Perrings, T.M. Crowe & A. Witt. 1995.  Notes on the diet of Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris on deciduous fruit farms in the Western Cape Province, South    Africa.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 25: 144-146.

*Pero, L.V. & T.M. Crowe.  1996. Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris in KwaZulu-Natal: a case for non-sustainability.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 26: 123-140.

Crowe, T.M.  1996. Developing a national strategy for the protection and sustainable use of South Africa's biodiversity. South African Journal of Science 92: 218-219.

*Malan, G. & T.M. Crowe.  1996. The diet and conservation of monogamous and polyandrous pale chanting goshawks in the Little Karoo, South Africa. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 26: 1-10.

*Malan. G. & T.M. Crowe.  1996. Fall-net trap and patagial tag marking for live Namaqua Sandgrouse. Safring News 25: 15-17.

*Grant, W.S., R.M. Little, G. Malan & T.M. Crowe.  1997.  Temporal and geographical genetic variability in Namaqua Sandgrouse (Pterocles namaqua) and Spotted Sandgrouse (P. burchelli) populations. Journal of Arid Environments 35: 123-139.

*Malan, G., T.M. Crowe, R. Biggs & J.J. Herholdt.  1997.   The social system of the Pale Chanting Goshawk: monogamy vs polyandry and delayed dispersal. Ibis 139: 313-321.

*Muriuki, J,, *H.M. de Klerk & T.M. Crowe.  1997.  Using patterns of distribution and diversity of Kenyan birds to select and prioritize areas for conservation.  Biodiversity & Conservation 6: 191-210.

Little, R.M., T.M. Crowe & S.K.C. Peall.  1997.  Pesticide residues in Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris livers collected in deciduous fruit farms in the Western Cape province, South Africa.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 27(1): 1-4.

*Malan, G. & T.M. Crowe.  1997. Perch availability and prey visibility: factors that may constitute habitat quality in the Pale Chanting Goshawk.  South African Journal of Zoology 32: 14-20.

*Lloyd, P. A.J.F.K. Craig, P.E. Hulley, M.F. Essop, P. Bloomer & T.M. Crowe.  1997.  Ecology and genetics of hybrid zones in southern African Pycnonotus bulbul species complex.  Ostrich 68: 90-97.

*Burgess, N.D., H.M. de Klerk,  J. Fjeldsa, Crowe, T.M. & C. Rahbek.  1997. Mapping Afrotropical birds:  links between atlas studies and conservation priority analyses.  Bulletin ABC, 4 (2):93-98.

*Bloomer, P. & T.M. Crowe.  1998.  Francolin phylogenetics: molecular, morpho-behavioral and combined evidence.  Molecular Phylogenetic and Evolution 8: 236-254.

*Jansen, R. R.A. Earle, R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe.  1998.  Haematozoa of Redwing and Greywing Francolin from three montane grassland habitats in Mpumalanga province, South Africa. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 28(1): 4-7.

Crowe, T.M.  1998.  A working graduate program in conservation biology.  Conservation Biology  12(4): 744-745.

Little, R.M. & T.M. Crowe.  1998.  Habitat fragmentation limits the distribution of Cape Francolin, Francolinus capensis, on deciduous fruit farms in South Africa.  African Journal of Ecology 36: 140-147.

*Ryan, P.G. I. Hood, P. Bloomer, J. Komen & T.M. Crowe.  1998.  Barlow's Lark: a new species in the Karoo Lark Certhilauda albescens complex of southwest Africa.  Ibis 140: 605-619.

Kimball, R.C., E.L. Braun, P.W. Zwartjies, T.M. Crowe & J.D. Ligon.  1999.  A molecular phylogeny of the pheasants and partridges suggests that these lineages are not monophyletic.  Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 11(1): 38-54.

*Jansen, R., R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe.  1999.  Implications of grazing and burning of grasslands on the sustainable use of francolins (Francolinus spp.) and on overall bird conservation in the highlands of Mpumalanga province, South Africa. Biodiversity & Conservation 8(5): 587-602.

Williams, P.H., H.M. de Klerk & T.M. Crowe. 1999. Interpreting biogeographical boundaries among Afrotropical birds: spatial patterns in richness, gradients and species replacement.  Journal of Biogeography 26(3): 459-474.

*Lloyd, P., E. Plaganyi, D. Lepage, R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe. 1999.  Nest site selection, egg pigmentation and clutch predation in the ground-nesting Namaqua Sandgrouse.  Ibis 142: 123-131.

Farris, J.S., M. Källersjö, T.M. Crowe, D. Lipscomb, & U. Johansson.  1999.  Frigatebirds, tropicbirds, and Ciconiida: excesses of confidence probability.  Cladistics 15:1-7.

*Lloyd, P., R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe.  2000.  Investigator effects on the nesting success of arid-zone birds.  Journal of Field Ornithology 71:227-235.

*Lloyd, P., L. Durrans, R. Gous, R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe.   2000.  The diet and nutrition of the Namaqua sandgrouse, an arid-zone granivore.  Journal of Arid Environments 44: 105-122.

*Lloyd, P., R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe.  2000.  The daily activity pattern of a Namaqua Sandgrouse Pterocles namaqua population.  Ostrich 71: 427-429.
*Jansen, R., R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe. 2000. Habitat utilization and home range of the redwing francolin, Francolinus levaillantii, in highland grasslands, Mpumalanga province, South Africa.  African Journal of Ecology 38:329-338.

*Lloyd, P., Plagányi, É., Lepage, D., Little, R.M. & Crowe, T.M. 2000. Nest site selection, egg pigmentation and clutch predation in the ground-nesting Namaqua Sandgrouse. Ibis 142: 123-131.

*Ratcliffe, C.S., T.M. Crowe & S.K.C. Peall. 2000. Pesticide residues in
helmeted guineafowl livers from crop farms in the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 30: 145-150.

Burgess, N, *H. de klerk,, J. Fjeldsa, T.M. Crowe, & C. Rahbek.  2000.  A preliminary assessment of congruence between biodiversity patterns in Afrotropical forest birds and forest mammals.  Ostrich 71: 286-290.

*Froneman, A., M.J. Mangnall, R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe.  2001.   Waterbird assemblages and associated habitat characteristics of farm ponds in the Western Cape, South Africa.  Biodiversity & Conservation 10: 251-270.

*Jansen, R., R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe. 2001.  Breeding biology of the Redwing Francolin in the highland grasslands of Mpumalanga  province, South Africa.  Ostrich 72(1&2): 20-23.

*Jansen, R., E.R. Robinson, R.M. Llittle, & T.M. Crowe.  2001.  Habitat constraints limit the distribution and population density of redwing francolin, Francolinus levaillantii, in the highland grasslands of Mpumalanga province, South Africa.  African Journal of Ecology 39: 146-155.

*Lloyd, P., Little, R.M. & Crowe, T.M.  2001. The breeding biology of the Namaqua Sandgrouse. Ostrich 72: 169-178.

*Lloyd, P., R.M. Little & T M. Crowe.  2001. Food availability and seasonal variation in nest predation pressure as factors influencing the timing of breeding of Namaqua sandgrouse in the Nama Karoo, South Africa. African Zoology 36:1-11.
*Lloyd, P., R.M. Little, T.M. Crowe, & R.E. Simmons.  2001.  Rainfall and food availability as factors influencing the migration and breeding activity of Namaqua Sandgrouse, Pterocles namaqua.  Ostrich 72: 50-62.

*Mangnall, M. J. & T. M. Crowe. 2001. Population dynamics and the physical and financial impacts to cereal crops of the Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiacus on the Agulhas Plain, Western Cape, South Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 1798 (2001): 1–16.

*Mangnall, M.J.. & T.M. Crowe.  2001.  Managing Egyptian geese on the croplands of the Agulhas Plain, Western Cape, South Africa.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 31: 25-34.

*Ratcliffe, C.S. & T.M. Crowe.  2001.  The effects of agriculture and the availability of edge habitat of populations of Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris and on associated bird assemblages in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Biodiversity & Conservation 10 (12):   2109-2127.

*Ratcliffe, C.S. & T.M. Crowe. 2001.  Habitat utilisation and home range of Helmeted Guineafowl, Numida meleagris in the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Biological Conservation 98: 333-345.

*Ratcliffe, C.S. & T.M. Crowe.  2001.  Declining populations of helmeted guineafowl in the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a review of causes and remedies.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 31: 161-171.

*Seymour, C.L., H.M. de Klerk, A. Channing, & T.M. Crowe.  2001. The biogeography of the Anura of sub-equatorial Africa and the prioritisation of areas for their conservation.  Biodiversity and Conservation 10 (12): 2045-2076.

*De Klerk, H.M., T.M. Crowe, J. Fjeldsa & N.D. Burgess 2002.  Patterns of species richness and narrow endemism of terrestrial burds species in the Afrrotropical Region.  Journal of Zoology. (London) 256: 327-342.

*De Klerk,  H.M., T.M. Crowe & J. Fjeldsa. 2002.  Biogeographical patterns of endemic terrestrial Afrotropical birds.  Diversity and Distributions 8: 147-162.

*De Klerk, H.M. Crowe, T.M., Fjeldså, J. & Burgess, N.D. 2002.  Biogeographical patterns of endemic terrestrial Afrotropical birds. Diversity & Distribution, 8: 147-162.

*Jansen, R. & T.M. Crowe. 2002. Population fluctuations in relation to seasonal habitat preferences of the Swainson's spurfowl, Pternistis swainsonii.  African Journal of Ecology 40: 309-317.

*Ratcliffe, C.S., Gous, R.M., Swatson, H.K. & Crowe, T.M. 2002.  The digestibility of raw and processed soybeans by helmeted guineafowl, Numida meleagris.  Ostrich 73: 135-137.

*Bowie, R.C.K., P. Bloomer, P.A. Clancey & T.M. Crowe. 2003. The Karoo Thrush (Turdus smithi Bonaparte 1850), a southern African endemic. Ostrich 74: 1-7.

*Mangnall, M.J. & T.M. Crowe. 2003.  The effects of agriculture on farmland bird assemblages on the Agulhas Plain, Western Cape, South Africa. African Journal of Ecology 41: 266-276.

*Prendini, L., T.M Crowe & W.C. Wheeler. 2003.  Systematics and biogeography of the family Scorpionidae (Chelicerata : Scorpiones), with a discussion on phylogenetic methods.  Invertebrate Systematics 17: 185-259.

Dyke, G.J., B.E. Gulas, & T.M. Crowe.  2003.  Suprageneric relationships of galliform birds (Aves, Galliformes): a cladistic analysis of morphological characters.  Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 137: 227-244.

*Bowie, R.C.K., J. Fjeldså, S.J. Hackett & T.M. Crowe.  2004. Molecular evolution in space and though time: mtDNA phylogeography of the Olive Sunbird (Nectarinia olivacea/obscura) throughout continental Africa. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution. 33: 56-76.

*Bowie, R.C.K., J. Fjeldså, S.J. Hackett & T.M. Crowe.  2004. Systematics and biogeography of Double-Collared Sunbirds from the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania. Auk. 121: 660-681.

*Walker, A.L., R.C.K. Bowie, C.S. Ratcliffe & T.M. Crowe,  2004.  Fowl play: identification and management of hybridisation between wild and domestic Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris) in South Africa.  Ostrich 75(4): 195-198.
Crowe, T.M. & R.M. Little.  2004.  Francolins, partridges and spurfowls: what’s in a name?  Ostrich 75(4): 199-203.
R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe.  2004.  Effects of a predator control experiment on Grey-winged Francolin (Scleroptila africanus) populations.  Ostrich 75(4): 285-287.

*Ryan, P.G., D. Wright, G. Oatley, J. Wakeling, C. Cohen, T.L. Nowell, R.C.K. Bowie, V.Ward, & T.M. Crowe.  2004.  Systematics of Serinus canaries and the status of Cape and Yellow-crowned Canaries inferred from mtDNA and morphology. Ostrich 75(4): 288-294.

*Bowie, R.C.K., G. Voelker, J. Fjeldså, L. Lens, S.J. Hackett & T.M. Crowe.  2005. Systematics of the Olive Thrush (Turdus spp.) species complex with reference to the taxonomic status of the endangered Taita Thrush.  Journal of Avian Biology 36(5): 391-404.

*Beresford, P., F.K. Barker, P.G. Ryan & T.M. Crowe. 2005. African endemics span the tree of songbirds (Passeri): molecular systematics of several evolutionary 'enigmas'. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 272: 849-858.

*Little, I.T., R.M. Little, R. Jansen & T.M. Crowe. 2005.  Winter bird assemblages, species richness and relative abundance at a re-vegetated coal mine in the Middelburg district, Mpumalanga province, South Africa.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 35(1): 13-22.

*Prinsloo, H.C., V. Harley, B.K. Reilly & T.M. Crowe.  2005.  Sex-related variation in morphology of Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris) from the Riemland of the northeastern Free State, South Africa.  South African Journal of Wildlife Research 35(1) 95-96.

*Jansen, R. & T.M. Crowe.  2005. Relationships between breeding activity and rainfall for Swainson’s Suprfowl, Pternistis swainsonii, within southern Africa, with specific reference to the Springbok Flats, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Ostrich 76: 190-194.

*Bowie, R.C.K., J. Fjeldså, S.J. Hackett, J.M. Bates & T.M. Crowe.  2006. Coalescent models reveal the relative roles of ancestral polymorphism, vicariance, and dispersal in shaping phylogeographical structure of an African montane forest robin. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38:171–188.

*Jansen, R., S.D. van der Spuy & T.M. Crowe.  2006. Low incidence of blood parasite infection within a population of Swainson’s Spurfowl Pternistis swainsonii. Ostrich 77: 109-111.

*Jansen, R. & T.M. Crowe.  2006. Food preferences of Swainson’s spurfowl, Pternistis swainsonii, in a diverse agricultural landscape.  South African Journal of Wildlife Management 36(2): 113-121.

*Crowe, T.M., R.C.K. Bowie, P. Bloomer, T. Mandiwana, T.A.J. Hedderson, E. Randi, S.L.  Pereira & J. Wakeling.  2006 Phylogenetics and biogeography of, and character evolution in gamebirds (Aves: Galliformes): effects of character exclusion, partitioning and missing data. Cladistics 22: 495-532.

Beresford, P., F.K. Barker, P.G. Ryan & T.M. Crowe. 2007. The future of Africa in the history of oscine passerines: molecular systematics of several ‘enigmas’. Ostrich 78(2): 315.

Delport, W., T.M. Crowe, P. Lloyd, & P. Bloomer.  2007. Population growth confounds phylogeographic inference in Namaqua Sandgrouse. Journal of Heredity 98: 158-164.

Dyke, G.J. & T.M. Crowe.  2008. Avian paleontology: opinions and quasi-phenetics versus characters and cladistics. Cladistics 24: 77–81.

Davies, O.R. K. Junker, R. Jansen, T.M. Crowe & J. Boomker.  2008. Age- and sex-based variation in helminth Infection of helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) with comments on Swainson’s spurfowl (Pternistis swainsonii) and Orange River francolin (Scleroptila levaillantoides). South African Journal of Wildlife Research 38 (2): 163-170.
Junker, K., O.R. Davies, R. Jansen, T.M Crowe & J. Boomker.  2008. Nematodes of Swainson’s spurfowl Pternistis swainsonii and Orange River francolin Scleroptila levaillantoides from the Free State province, South Africa, with a description of Tetrameres swainsonii, sp. nov. (Nematoda: Tetrameridae). Journal of Helminthology 82: 365-371.

Prinsloo, H., V. Harley, B. Reilly & T. Crowe.  2008. The diet of helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) in the Riemland of the north-eastern Free State, South Africa. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 38: 88-92.

Crowe, T.M.  2009. Reproductive biology and bird phylogeny. Miles to go before we sleep. Cladistics 25: 105-106.

Crowe, T. 2010. Phylogenetic affinities of enigmatic African galliforms: the Stone Partridge Ptilopachus petrosus and Latham's and Nahan's 'Francolins' Francolinus lathami and F. nahani. Cladistics 26:206-206.

Crowe, T. 2011. What kind of fowl am I? Poultry in motion. Proceedings of the Congresses of the Southern African Society for Systematic Biology, Grahamstown 19-21st January 2011, hosted by the Department of Zoology and Entomology, Rhodes University.

Davies, O.R., T.M. Crowe & R. Bowie.  2011. Taxonomy, systematic and biogeography of ‘marsh cisticolas’, Cisticola spp. Proceedings of the Congresses of the Southern African Society for Systematic Biology, Grahamstown 19-21st January 2011, hosted by the Department of Zoology and Entomology, Rhodes University. 
Fuchs, J., T.M. Crowe & R.C.K. Bowie.  2011. Phylogeography of the fiscal shrike (Lanius collaris): a novel pattern of genetic structure across the arid zones and savannas of Africa. Journal of Biogeography 38: 2210-2222.
Mandiwana-Neudani, T.G., C. Kopuchian, G. Louw & T.M. Crowe. 2011. A study of gross morphological and histological syringeal features of true francolins (Galliformes: Francolinus, Scleroptila, Peliperdix and Dendroperdix spp.) and spurfowls (Pternistis spp.) in a phylogenetic context. Ostrich 82: 115-127.

Cohen, C., Wakeling, J.L., Mandiwana-Neudani, T.G., Sande, E., Dranzoa, C., Crowe, T.M. & Bowie, R.C.K. 2012. Phylogenetic affinities of evolutionarily enigmatic African galliforms: the Stone Partridge Ptilopachus petrosus and Nahan’s Francolin Francolinus nahani, and support for their sister relationship with New World quails. Ibis 154:768-780.

Oatley, G., R.C.K. Bowie, T.M. Crowe & R.C.K. Bowie.  2012. A multi-locus phylogeny reveals a complex pattern of diversification related to climate and habitat heterogeneity in southern African white-eyes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 64: 1401-1411.
Bowie, R.C.K., C. Cohen & T.M. Crowe.  2013.  Ptilopachinae: a new subfamily of the Odontophoridae (Aves: Galliformes). Zootaxa 3670: 097-098.

Mandiwana-Neudani, T.G., R.C.K. Bowie, M. Hausberger, L. Henry & T.M. Crowe.  2014. Taxonomic and phylogenetic utility of variation in advertising calls of francolins and spurfowls (Galliformes: Phasianidae). African Zoology 49:54-82.

Contributions to Books:

Crowe, T.M. & D.W. Snow 1978.  Numididae.  In: Snow, D.W. (ed.) An atlas of speciation in African non-passerine birds.  British Museum (Natural History), London.

Crowe, T.M.  1980.  Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris.  In: Cramp S. & K.E.L. Simmons (eds.) Handbook of birds of Europe the Middle East and North Africa.  Vol II.  Oxford University Press, London.

Siegfried, W.R. & T.M. Crowe.  1983.  Distribution and species diversity of birds and plants in Fynbos vegetation of Mediterranean climate-zone South Africa.  In: Kruger, F.J., D.T. Mitchell & J.U.M. Jarvis (eds) Mediterranean type ecosystems: the role of nutrients.  Chap. 21.  Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Crowe, T.M.  1985.  Numidinae.  In: Campbell, B. & E. Lack (eds).  A dictionary of birds.  T. & A.D. Poyser, Calton.

Crowe, T.M.  1985.  Numidinae.  In: Perrins, C. & Middleton, A.L.A. (eds).  The encyclopaedia of birds.   George Allen & Unwin, London.

Crowe, T.M., G.S. Keith & L.H. Brown.  1986.  Galliformes.   In: Urban, E., C.H. Fry & G.S. Keith (eds) Birds of Africa Vol. II. pp. 1-75 (5 colour plates).  Academic Press, London.

Crowe, A.A. & T.M. Crowe.  1987.  Life sciences (biology).  In: Bryce, A. (Ed.), The A to Z of careers in South Africa, Pp 460-471.  Dan Nelson, Cape Town.

Kemp, A.C. & T.M. Crowe.  1993.  A morphometric analysis of Falco species.  In: Nicholls, M.K. & Clarke, R. (Eds), Biology and conservation of small falcons, pp. 223-232.   Hawk and Owl Trust, London.

Crowe, T.M., P.G. Ryan, M.F. Essop, R.K. Brooke, P.A.R. Hockey & W.R. Siegfried.  1994.  Species as the 'currency' conservation: the Karoo/Dune/Red Lark complex of south-western Africa.  In: Forey, P.L., C.J. Humphries & R.I. Vane-Wright (Eds), Systematics and conservation evaluation.  Systematics Association special volume 50: 229-234.  Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Crowe, T.M., B.S. Smith, R.M. Little & H. High. 1997. Sustainable utilization of game at Rooipoort Estate, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Pp. 359-392.  In: harvesting wild species: implications for biodiversity conservation.   Ed. C.H. Freese. The Johns Hopkins University Press, London.

Little, R.M. & T.M. Crowe.  2000.  Gamebirds of southern Africa.  Struik, Cape Town.

Crowe, T.M.   2000.  Daniel Dennett's views on the power and pervasiveness of natural selection: an evolutionary biologist's perspective. In: Ross, D., Brook, A. and Thompson, D., eds.  Dennett's philosophy: a comprehensive assessment.  Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.  pp. 27-40.

Little, R. & T. Crowe.  2011. Gamebirds of southern Africa. 2nd edition. Cape Town: Random House Struik.135p.

Conferences Proceedings:

*Crowe, A.A. & T.M. Crowe.  1984.  Variation in the breeding season of the White-fronted Sandplover in southern Africa.  Proceedings of the 5th Pan-African Ornithological Congress 787-798.

Crowe, T.M. & A.A. Crowe.  1985.  The genus Francolinus as a model for avian evolution and biogeography in Africa:  I.  Relationships among species.  Proceedings of the International Symposium on African Vertebrates Pp. 207-231. Ed. K.L. Schuchmann.  Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn.

Kemp, A.C. & T.M. Crowe.  1985.  The systematics and zoogeography of Afrotropical hornbills (Aves : Bucerotidae).  Proceedings of the International Symposium on African Vertebrates Pp. 279-324. Ed. K.L. Schuchmann.  Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn.

Crowe, T.M. & S.B. Elbin.  1987.  Social behaviour of Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris).  South African Journal of Wildlife Research Supplement 1: 55-57

Crowe, T.M. & A.C. Kemp.  1988.  African historical biogeography as reflected by galliform and hornbill evolution.  Proceedings of the 19th International Ornithological Congress 2510-2518. Ed. H. Ouillet. University of Ottawa Press, Ottawa.

Kemp, A.C. & T.M. Crowe.  1990.  A preliminary phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of the genera of diurnal raptors. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Tropical Vertebrate Systematics and Biogeogr. 161-175 Ed. G. Peters. Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn.

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  A quantitative analysis of patterns of distribution, species richness and endemism in southern African vertebrates. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Tropical Vertebrate Systematics and Biogeogr. 145-160 Ed. G. Peters. Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn.

Kemp, A.C. & T.M. Crowe.  1991.  Morphometrics of the Falconiformes: an overview. Proceedings of the 20th International Ornithological Congress 483-490

Kemp, A.C. & T.M. Crowe.  1991.  A morphometric analysis of  Falco species.  Proceedings of Conservation and Biology of Small Falcons, Canterbury, England.  Hawk and Owl Trust, London.

Crowe, T.M.  1991.  Introductory remarks: systematics and biogeography of Afrotropical birds.  Proceedings of the 20th International Ornithological Congress 449

Crowe, T.M.  1992.  Morphometric research on Miocene and Pliocene fossil phasianids from the west coast of southern Africa: some preliminary taxonomic and phylogenetic conclusions. Proceedings of the 7th Pan-African Ornithological Congress 217-225.

Crowe, T.M., E.H. Harley & M. Jakutowicz  1992.  Phylogenetic relationships of southern African francolins (Francolinus spp.) as suggested by the structure of their mitochondrial DNA and their morphology, behaviour and ecology.  Proceedings of the 7th Pan-African Ornithological Congress  261-267.

Little, R.M. & T.M. Crowe. 1992. Population ecology and conservation of the Greywing Francolin Francolinus africanus. In: Perdix VI, First International Symposium on Partridge, Quails and Francolins, M. Birkan, G.R. Potts, N.J. Aebischer and S.D. Dowell, eds. Gibier Faune Sauvage.  9: 882.

Little, R.M., W.S. Grant & T.M. Crowe. 1992. Conservation and population genetics of the Greywing Francolin Francolinus africanus. In: Perdix VI, First International Symposium on Partridge, Quails and Francolins, M. Birkan, G.R. Potts, N.J. Aebischer and S.D. Dowell, eds. Gibier Faune Sauvage, 9: 882-883.

*Little, R.M. & T.M. Crowe.  1993.  A population biology and genetic approach to sustainable hunting of Greywing Francolin Francolinus africanus.  Proceedings of the 8th Pan-African Ornithological Congress 76.

Crowe, T.M. & W.R. Siegfried.  1993.  A southern African perspective of conservation biology.  Proceedings of the 8th Pan-African Ornithological Congress 285-286.

Crowe, T.M.  1993.  Species as units of evolution, classification and conservation.  In: Wilson, R.T. (Ed.),  Birds and the African environment:  Proceedings of the 8th Pan-African Ornithological Congress.  Annales du Musse       Royal de l'Afrique Centrale (Zoologie) 268: 17-19.

Crowe, T.M.  1993.  Species as units of evolution, classification and conservation.  Proceedings of the 8th Pan-African Ornithological Congress 17-19.

Kemp, A.C. & T.M. Crowe.  1993.  Morphometrics of African diurnal raptors. Proceedings of the 8th Pan-African Ornithological Congress 83-94.

Little, R.M., T.M. Crowe, P.G. Johnson & W.R. Siegfried.   1993.  The FitzPatrick Institute's Gamebird Research Programme: science, education, socio-economics and conservation.  Proceedings of the 8th Pan-African Ornithological Congress 602.

Little, R.M., W.S. Grant and T.M. Crowe.  1993.  A population biology and genetic approach to sustainable hunting of the Greywing Francolin Francolinus africanus.   Proceedings of the 8th Pan-African Ornithological Congress 76.

Kemp, A. & T. Crowe.  1994.  A morphometric analysis of Accipiter species.  In: Meyburg, B.-U. & R.D. Chancellor  (Eds), Raptor Conservation today.  Proceedings of the IV World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls, 10-17 May 1992, Berlin, pp. 651-665.  Berlin: World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls.

Little, R.M., T.M. Crowe, P.G. Johnson & W.R. Siegfried.  1994.  The FitzPatrick Institute's Gamebird Research Programme: Science, education, socioeconomics and conservation.  In: Van Hoven, W., H. Ebedes & A. Conroy       (Eds), Wildlife ranching: a celebration of diversity - Proceedings of the 3rd International Wildlife Ranching Symposium, p. 390.  Pretoria: Centre for Wildlife       Management, University of Pretoria.

*Lloyd, P., R.M. Little & T.M. Crowe 1999. The population dynamics of the Namaqua  Sandgrouse: implications for gamebird management in an arid, stochastic environment. (In: Adams, N.J. & Slotow, R.H., eds. Proceedings 22nd International Ornithological Congress, Durban. Johannesburg : BirdLife South Africa.  pp.2130-2143).

Crowe, T.M.  1999.  A multifaceted concept of species. Proceedings of the 22nd International Ornithological Congress, Durban. Johannesburg: BirdLife South Africa. pp.1490-1495).

Zink, R. & T. Crowe. 1999. Species concepts in ornithology. (In: Adams, N.J. & Slotow, R.H., eds. Proceedings of the 22nd International Ornithological Congress, Durban. Johannesburg: BirdLife South Africa. p.1469).

Crowe, TM, P Bloomer, E. Randi, V. Lucchesi, R. Kimball, E. & J.G. Groth   2004.. Supra-generic cladistics of landfowl (Order Galliformes).  Proceedings of the 23rd International Ornithological Congress. In press.

Crowe T. 2009. Management of southern African gamebirds: opportunities and threats. Pages 11 - 15 in Cederbaum, S.B., Faircloth, B.C., Terhune, T.M., Thompson, J.J., Carroll J.P., eds. Gamebird 2006: Quail VI and Perdix XII. 31 May - 4 June 2006. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, Athens, GA, USA.

Public intellectual articles:

Racialism is a nasty, but profitable, ‘business’

A new approach to understanding subspecies can boost conservation
1142 reads

Khoisan origins: why ‘race’ has no place in human ancestry

43622 reads

Are academic freedom and non-racialism dead at the University of Cape Town UCT? – mixed messages

African gamebirds are keys to understanding global avian evolution

3166 reads

The long struggle to understand species: from pre-Darwin to the present day
3546 reads

How science has been abused through the ages to promote racism

23649 reads


The ‘failed’ debate at UCT

Beware the Ides of March: The University of Cape Town (UCT) Alumni Association (AA) waives the rules

Decolonizing meetings

The ‘wasted generation’: Why SA universities are failing students – top UCT scientist

When is a species really a species?  Even Darwin got it wrong.

3075 reads

Folk and race

Afrocentric, inclusive, socially relevant academic ‘evolution’ at the University of Cape Town

Re-racialization and proto-Fascism at the University of Cape Town (UCT): a tale of four meetings

University of Cape Town: Where is the justice in this?  Clemency for lawbreaking students.

How can South African universities be “reborn”?

A challenge to Fallists and Fallist supporters at the University of Cape Town (UCT)

The University of Cape Town (UCT): Racist/Sexist/Colonialist institution? 1973-1977

The University of Cape Town (UCT): Racist/Sexist/Colonialist institution? 1949-1972

The University of Cape Town (UCT): Who’s running the show?

What are the real ideological differences between Fallists and scientists at the University of Cape Town (UCT)?

‘Decolonizing’ the University of Cape Town (UCT): means to an end or just the end?

Money makes the University of Cape Town go round

The ‘reborn’ University of Cape Town (UCT): a birth to be celebrated or a tragic abortion?

Top academic on UCT ‘elephant in room’: Students are ‘educationally disabled’

Decolonisation of science: a way backward

University of Cape Town Vice Chancellor and Convocation ‘trumped’ by ‘protesters’

Accountability only way to solve the problems confronting UCT

Frantz Fanon has a place in the history of Black Consciousness not in post-Apartheid South African politics

Professors should earn their status, not be “made”

Reinterpretting Verwoerd

Echoes of “peace in our time” and Lord of the Flies


UCT: The Flemming Rose affair reconsidered

Let’s ask the hard questions and rebuild UCT together

Cecil John Rhodes – warts and all

Politicsweb  22 December 2015
Cape Times and Natal Mercury 30 December 2015

Blossoming non-racialism NOT rotten roots of racism

Radical proposals for quality university education

Cape Times  28 October 2015

Book reviews:

Crowe, T.M.  1984.  Review of: Avian ecology.  Perrins, C.M. & T.R. Birkhead, Blackie, London.  In: South African Journal of Science 80: 339-340.

Crowe, T.M.  1984.  Review of:  Perspectives in ornithology.  Brush, A.H. & G.A. Clark, (eds), Cambridge University Press, London.  In: Ostrich 55: 175-176.

Crowe, T.M.  1985.  Review of: Current ornithology, Volume 1.  Johnston, R.F. (ed.), Plenum Press, London.  In:  Ostrich 56: 219-220.

Crowe, T.M.  1987.  Review of: The female animal. Elia, I.  Oxford University Press, Oxford.  In: Ostrich 58: 96.

Crowe, T.M.  1987.  Review of: Gamebirds & waterfowl of southern Africa.  Kemp, A.C. & F.C. Barnicoat, (eds), Winchester Press, Johannesburg.  In: Bokmakierie 39: 121.

Crowe, T.M.  1988.  Review of Neotropical ornithology.  Buckley, P.A., M.S. Foster, E.S. Morton, R.S. Ridgely & F.G. Buckley, (eds), American Ornithologists' Union,  Washington, D.C.  In: Ostrich 59: 82.

Crowe, T.M.  1988.  Review of: Guinea fowl of the world (Belshaw).  Ostrich 59: 154.

Brooke, R.K. & T.M. Crowe.  1989.  Review of: The world of shooting Johnson, P.G. & A. Wannenburgh.  In: Birding in South Africa 41: 85.

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  Review of: Science as a process Hull, D.L. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.  In: South African Journal of Science 85: 632.  Also printed in Origin 1(1): 8-10.

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  Review of: The quails, partridges, and francolins of the world. Johnsgard, P.A. Oxford University Press, Oxford.  In: Greywing 3: 13

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  Review of: The quails, partridges and francolins of the world Johnsgard, P.A. Oxford University Press, Oxford In: Ostrich 61: 155.

Crowe, T.M. & R.K. Brooke.  1993.  Review of: Putting biodiversity on the map: priority areas for global conservation.  Bibby, C.J.  et al., International Council      for Bird Preservation, Cambridge.  In: Ostrich 64: 12.

Crowe, T.M.  1994.  Review:  Roberts' birds of southern Africa.  Auk 111: 782-783.

Brooke, R.K. & T.M. Crowe.  1994.  Review: The birds of Pakistan, Volume 2.  Passeriformes (Roberts).  Auk 111: 783-784.

T.M. Crowe.  Review:  Proceedings of the 22nd International Ornithological Congress.  Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. In press
Semi-popular publications: 

Crowe, T.M.  1975.  Why I roam the veld disguised as a termite mound.  African Wildlife 29: 29-31.

Crowe, T.M. & R. Liversidge  1980.  Gambling against death.  African Wildlife 34 32-33.

Crowe, T.M.  1985.  Birds in space and time: biogeographical and systematics research at the FitzPatrick Institute. Bokmakierie 37: 46-49.

Crowe, T.M.  1987.  The Greywing Research Project: an experiment in sustainable utilization.   Bokmakierie  39: 52.

Crowe, T.M.  1988.  Introduction.  Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 1: 1-2.

Crowe, T.M.  1988.  Other gamebird research news. Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 1: 6-7

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  Introduction.  Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 1-2.

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  Greywing Partridge: a candidate for the national gamebird.  Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 4-5.

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  Other gamebird news. Greywing Partridge Research Project Newsletter 2: 9

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  Editorial.  Greywing 3: 1-2.

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  Editorial.  Origin 1(1): 1-2.

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  Eastern Cape.  Origin 1(1): 8.

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  A `classification' of southern African evolutionary biologists.  Origin 1(1): 38.

Crowe, T.M. & R.K. Brooke.  1989.  The southwestern Cape.  Origin 1(1): 3.

Crowe, T.M. & R.M. Little.  1989.  Greywing research - cooperative projects.  Greywing 3: 7-9.

Robinson, T. & T.M. Crowe.  1989.  Transvaal.  Origin 1(1): 6.

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  Report on the Seventh Pan-African Ornithological Congress. Bokmakierie 41(1): 5-9.

Crowe, T.M.  1989.  Academic boycott.  University of Cape Town Monday Paper 8(2): 3.

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  Gamebird research and gundogs.  In: The South African Field Trial Club 80th anniversary yearbook 1908-1989, pp. 51, 53.

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  Editorial.  Greywing 4: 2.

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  The sandgrouse research project.  Greywing 4: 3-5.

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  Introducing AGRED.  Greywing 4: 18-19.

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  Editorial.  Origin 2: 1-5.

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  Proposed mission statement for the South African Association of Evolutionary Discussion Groups. Origin 2: 6.

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  News from various EDG-land.  Origin 2: 6-7.

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  Department of Zoology (including the FitzPatrick Institute).  Origin 2: 23.

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  In: Points of view.  Origin 2: 36-37.

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  Editorial 1: Editorial 2: Is there a future for research at South African museums?  Origin 3: 1-4.

Crowe, T.M.  1990.  The battle of the species concepts continues locally.  Origin 3: 54.

Kemp, A. & T.M. Crowe.  1990.  Ecomorphological relationships among the Falconiformes.  Origin 2: 28.

Malan, G. & T.M. Crowe.  1990.  Causes and consequences of  cooperative polyandry in the Pale Chanting Goshawk  Melierax canorus.  Origin 2: 23-24.

Crowe, T.M. & E.H. Harley.  1990.  ICSEB IV: recent advances in palaeoanthropology, conservation biology, phylogenetics and molecular evolution.  Origin 3: 18-38.

Crowe, T.M.  1991.  Editorial.  Greywing 5: 2-3.

Malan, G. & T.M. Crowe.  1991.  Update on the Sandgrouse Research Project.  Greywing 5: 27-29.

Malan, G. & T.M. Crowe, T.  1991.  Can rainfall and frequency of rain be used to predict winter sandgrouse abundance?  Greywing 5: 29-30.

Crowe, T.M. & W.R. Siegfried.  1991.  Keeping the nature-reserve "arks" afloat in the "New South Africa".  African Wildlife 45: 228-229.

Crowe, T.M. & G. Maclean. 1992.  Pan-African ornithology reunited.  Birding in Southern Africa  44: 115-117.

Crowe, T.M.  1993. Promoting the preservation and utilization of African biodiversity: the University of Cape Town's Programme in Conservation Biology.  Bulletin of the Southern African Institute of Ecologists and Environmental Scientists 12: 20-24.

Crowe, T.M. & R.M. Little. 1993.  Editorial.  Orchards & Gamebirds 1: 2.

Crowe, T.M. & R.M. Little. 1993.  It's in the bag.  Our Living World September 1993 pp. 12-13.  In: Africa Environment & Wildlife 1(3).

Little, R.M. & T.M. Crowe.  1995.  Gamebird conservation and       management. The FitzPatrick Institute's role.  Border Field Trial Club newsletter 1995: 26.

Little, R.M. & T.M. Crowe, T.M. 1995. Greywing Francolin are forever. Border Field Trial Club newsletter 1995: 27-28.

Crowe T M; & C. Ratcliffe 2001. Farming it out. : the decline of
Helmeted Guineafowl in KwaZulu-Natal. Africa Birds and Birding



Zoology II – one week module on biogeography, including a practical on sland biography.

Applied Ecology (2nd year) -- one-week module on sustainable utilization of gamebirds

Invertebrate Zoology (2nd year) -- one-week module on species concepts and speciation

Systematics and Evolution (3rd year) -- two-week module on species concepts and speciation, one week module on congruence and combinability, one week module on biogeography.   2001 student assessment on overall teaching (approachability, ability, effectiveness, motivation  -- each scored 1-4):  176 out of a possible 192 marks (91%); two students felt that I could be considered for a distinguished teacher's award and one said that he/she felt that I was the "best teacher" he/she had experienced.


Ornithology module -- one-day mini-module on phylogenetics


M.Sc. Programme in Conservation Biology

Co-ordinator of CB Programme

two-week module on species concepts and speciation

M.Sc. Programme in Systematics and Biodiversity Science

one-week module on species concepts and speciation

Post-graduate students (59: 14 women, 12 ‘blacks’ – 21 senior lecturers, directors and/or professors)

M.Tech. (1: 1 woman)

Ms Helen Prinsloo – Use of landscape and sustainable utilization of Helmeted Guineafowl in the Riemland of the Free State, South Africa Dec 2003.  Currently working in the USA for a hunting tour operation.

M.Sc. (34: 9 women, 10 ‘blacks’)

Ms Donella Young (Banks) - Use of habitat by waterbirds within a fluctuating environment.  Degree awarded Dec. 1981.  Currently contract researcher Avian Demographic Unit, University of Cape Town

Mr Julius H. Koen - Effects of forest management on birds in southern Cape forests.  Degree awarded December 1985.  Duration of study, two years.  Scientist with Northern Cape Nature Conservation Service

Mr John D. Atmore - Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Onymacris.  Degree awarded June 1986.

Ms Anna A. Crowe - Aspects of the behaviour and ecology of White-fronted Sandplovers and Sanderlings on a South African sandy beach.  Degree awarded June 1986.  I advised on statistical procedures only.  In 2012 she was awarded a Ph.D. in biological science education which has subsequently been awarded prizes by international educational societies.

Mr Michael W. Fraser - Fine-scale bird-habitat relationships in Mountain Fynbos.   Degree awarded June 1990.  Currently free-lance wildlife author.

Mr Wayne M. Boyd - Conservation Biology Course - Threatened plant surveys: a taxon and area priority ranking system.  Degree awarded June 1993.  Currently scientist with Gauteng Nature Conservation.

Mr Deon Nel - The application of molecular systematic techniques to problems relevant to conservation biology.  Degree awarded June 1993. Went on to obtain a Ph.D. at UCT and is currently Head of Global Biodiversity – World Wide Fund for Nature International.

Ms Helen de Klerk - Priority areas for the efficient conservation of non-passerine avifaunal diversity in sub-Saharan Africa.  Degree awarded June 1994.  Continued to work with me towards her Ph.D.

Mr Andrew Mbiru - A reassessment of taxonomic diversity in the Olive Thrush Turdus olivaceus in eastern and southern Africa. Degree awarded June 1994.  Currently scientist National Museums of Kenya.

Mr John Muriuki - Patterns of distribution and diversity of Kenyan birds in relation to the prioritization of conservation areas.  Degree awarded June 1994.  Currently lecturer University of Nairobi.

Mr Bradley S. Smith - Economically viable utilization of the Greywing Francolin in the eastern highlands of South Africa.  Degree awarded June 1994. Currently Africa Programme Director, Greenpeace.

Mr Arne Witt - Conservation implications of habitat transformation and use pesticides to arthropod diversity and abundance in the Elgin district, southwestern Cape Province, South Africa.  Degree awarded June 1994.  Currently Coordinator: Invasive Species for CABI Africa in Nairobi and International Programme Coordinator for the GEF funded project “Removing Barriers to Invasive Plant Management in Africa.”

Mr Walter Meyer - The biological and economic sustainability of Namaqua Sandgrouse Pterocles namaqua hunting in the Northern Cape.  Degree awarded June 1995.  CB-Course Top Student Award.  Currently free-lance environmental consultant and Ph.D. Student

Mr James Sakwa - Identifying a potential cryptic bird species: is the Dune Chat Cercomela (tractrac) hoeschi  a distinct species?  Degree awarded June 1995.  Currently scientific officer Kenya Wildlife Services.

Mr Linus Gatimu - Conservation Biology Course - Resource economics of commercial farming of Ostriches Struthio camelus. Co-supervisors: Dr S. Milton and Mr B.S. Smith.  Degree awarded June 1996.  Currently lecturer Moi University, Kenya.

Mr Luthando Maphasa - Conservation Biology Course - Human attitudes to use of gamebirds by humans in KwaZulu-Natal.  Co-supervisor Dr A. Speigel, Department of Social Anthropology, UCT. Degree awarded June 1996.  Currently Director of Kwa-Zulu Natal Museum.

Mr Lionel Pero - Conservation Biology Course - Population biology and management of the Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris. Degree awarded June 1996.  CB-Course Top Student Award.  Currently M.B.A. student, University of Cape Town.

Ms Zulaiga Rossouw - Conservation Biology Course - Conservation genetics and management of the Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris.  Co-supervisor Dr P. Bloomer.  Degree awarded June 1996. Currently scientist National Parks Board.

Ms Helen Davies - Effects of agriculture on the water chemistry of farm dams in the Western Cape. Co-supervisor Dr J.A. Day.  Degree awarded June 1997. Currently scientist Cape Town Municipal Council.

Mr Albert Froneman - Farm dams and sustainable utilization of wildfowl.  Co-supervisor Dr R.M. Little.  Degree awarded June 1997.  Currently conservation biologist Endangered Wildlife Trust

Mr Simon Todd - Effects of a pipeline on biodiversity in savanna habitat in KwaZulu-Natal. Co-supervisor Dr T. Hoffman.  Degree awarded June 1997.  Currently contract scientist National Botanical Institute.

Ms Colleen Seymour - Effects of a gradient of grazing intensity on invertebrate diversity.  Co-supervisor Dr W.R.J. Dean.  Degree awarded in June 1998. Currently Ph.D. student.

Mr Morgan Griffiths - Wingshooting hotspots in southern Africa. Degree awarded in June 1998. Currently conservation biologist – Western Cape Nature Conservation.

Mr Andrew Walker - Molecular ecology of Helmeted Guineafowl.  Degree awarded in June 2000.

Mr Charles Ratcliffe - Causes and remedies of population crashes of Helmeted Guineafowl in KwaZulu-Natal.  Degree awarded in December 2000.

Mr Michael Mangnall - Effects of farm dams on avian diversity in the Western Cape.  Degree awarded in June 2001.  Country Development Manager at Mainstream Renewable Power

Ms Tshifhiwa Nangammbi – Taxonomy and phylogeny of Red-tailed Francolins Peliperdix spp. Degree awarded in June 2003. Went to complete a Ph.D. Currently associate professor at Tswane University of Technology.

Ms Tshifhiwa Mandiwana – Taxonomy and phylogeny of Red-winged Francolins Scleroptila spp. Degree awarded in June 2003.

Mr Ian Little -. Habitat and demography of Bobwhite Quail.  Degree awarded in 2005. Went on to complete a Ph.D. Currently Senior Manager: Habitats: Endangered Wildlife Trust.  In May 2017, awarded a  Whitely ‘Green Oscar’ donated by the Garfield Weston Foundation for his conservation research and implementation relating to South Africa’s threatened grassland biodiversity.

Mr Potiphar Kaliba. -. Phylogeography of selected Malawian passerine birds.  Degree awarded 2006.  Went on to complete a Ph.D. under my co-supervision.

Mr Terence Suinyuy.-. Taxonomic, phylogenetic and biogeographical relationships of Cameroonian gamebirds.  Degree awarded in 2006.

Ms Lisa J. Nupen - Systematics of five putative species of southern African cisticolas (Family Cisticolidae) using morphological, ecological and molecular evidence. Degree awarded in 2007.  Went on to complete a Ph.D. at the Fitztitute.  Currently lecturer at Rhodes University.

Mr Vincent van der Merwe. The historical biogeography of terrestrial gamebirds (Aves: Galliformes).  Degree awarded in 2011.  Currently employed by Endangered Wildlife Trust and registered for a Ph.D. at UCT.

Ph.D. (15: 3 women, 2 ‘blacks’)

Dr H. Hu Berry - Behavioural and eco-physiological studies on Blue Wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) at the Etosha National Park.  Degree awarded December 1980.  I advised on the analysis and interpretation of behavioural data.  Retired.

Dr Alfredo Guillet - Biogeography and ecology of Afrotropical waterbirds.  Degree awarded June 1986.  Past Advisor to Italian Foreign Minister on Matters Environmental. Retired

Dr Robin M. Little - Scientific management of the Greywing Partridge (Francolinus africanus).  Degree awarded Dec. 1992. Became Director of Conservation, World Wide Fund for Nature - South Africa.  Currently Manager: NRF/DST Centre of Excellence at the Fitztitute.

Dr Gerard Malan - Cooperative breeding and delayed dispersal in the Pale Chanting Goshawk Melierax canorus.  Degree awarded June 1995.  Currently professor Tswane University of Technology.

Dr Penn Lloyd - Population dynamics, ecology and sustainable utilization of Namaqua Sandgrouse Pterocles namaqua.  Degree awarded December 1998.  Co-supervisor: Dr R.M. Little.  Currently contract researcher in Australia.

Dr Helen de Klerk - Patterns of distribution, diversity and endemism of Afrotropical birds.  Degree awarded June 1999.  Currently senior lecturer at the University of Stellenbosch.

Dr Raymond Jansen - Francolins and farming.  First registered January 1998 (upgraded from M.Sc.).  Full time. Degree awarded December 2001.  Currently professor at the Tswane University of Technology.

Dr Lorenzo Prendini - Systematics and biogeography of Burrowing Scorpions. Degree awarded December 2002. Currently professor and curator at the American Museum of Natural History.

Dr Elizabeth Scott - Systematics of southern African frogs.  (registered at University of Western Cape -- primary supervisor Prof. Alan Channing).  Degree awarded June 2003.

Dr Rauri Bowie - Systematics and biogeography of sunbirds.  Degree awarded June 2003.  Currently associate professor at the University of California – Berkeley.                                                                                                                                                                          

Dr Graeme Oatley.-. Systematics of southern African white-eyes, Zosterops spp. Degree awarded December 2010.  Currently post-doctoral researcher in New Zealand.

Dr Callan Cohen - Systematics and biogeography of bustards. First registered January 1999 – upgraded to Ph.D. in 2000.  Degree awarded December 2010. Currently research associate at the Fitztitute.

Dr Tshifhiwa G. Mandiwana – Taxonomy, phylogenetics and biogeography of francolins and spurfowls. Degree awarded June 2014.  Currently senior lecturer at the University of Limpopo.

Dr Owen Davies - Taxonomy, phylogenetics and biogeography of cisticolas.  Degree awarded June 2015.

Dr Potiphar Kaliba. - Systematics of selected Malawian passerine birds.  Degree awarded June 2015.  Currently director of the National Museums of Malawi.

Post-doc. (3: 1 woman)

Dr M Faadiel Essop: Professor - Stellenbosch University , Department of Physiological Sciences

Cardiology, Diabetology, Nutritional Biochemistry

Dr Paulette Bloomer: Professor – University of Pretoria, Head of Department of Genetics

Dr Jerome Fuchs: Curator – Paris Natural History Museum, Curator of Birds

Technikon students (6: 1 woman)

Charles Ratcliffe - Nat. Dipl. in Nature Conservation - Experiential training mini-thesis 1992.  Experimental removal of potential nest predators to increase hunting stocks of Greywing Francolin. 

Pierre de Groote - Nat. Dipl. in Nature Conservation - Experiential training mini-thesis 1993.  Minimum requirements and modifications of fragmented natural habitats for revitalization of Cape Francolin populations in the deciduous fruit orchards of Elgin, southwestern Cape Province.

Kevin Vester - Nat. Dipl. in Nature Conservation - Experiential training mini-thesis 1994.  Duck breeding seasons and their implications for hunting seasons in the Cape provinces.  The effectiveness of guineafowl in controlling insects in deciduous fruit orchards.

John Perrings -  Nat. Dipl. in Nature Conservation - Experiential training mini-thesis 1995.  Comparative home range and habitat characteristics of Cape Francolin in deciduous fruit orchards and natural fynbos, and phase one of the Helmeted Guineafowl project in Natal.  Research project given prize as Best Open Project -- Graduated in December 1995

Klara Jancikova -  Nat. Dipl. in Nature Conservation - Experiential training mini-thesis 1996.   Conservation genetics of Namaqua Sandgrouse. Graduated in December 1996

Matthew Prophet - Nat. Dipl. in Nature Conservation - Experiential training mini-thesis 1996.   Egyptian Geese: agricultural pests or assets?  Research project given prize as Best Open Project -- Graduated in December 1997

Distinguished scientists who visited South Africa on my invitation and, in general, were supported by funds raised by me.

- Prof. J.S. Farris - State Univ. of New York, Stoneybrook, USA -
- Dr M. Kallersjo - Molekylarsystematiska Laboritoriet,
  Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden
- Prof. R.L. Honeycutt - Texas A. & M. University, USA
- Dr C.J. Humphries - British Natural History Museum, UK
- Prof. C. Wissel - Philipps University, Marburg, Germany
- Prof. M.E. Gilpin - University of California, San Diego, USA
- Prof. D.T. Parkin - University of Nottingham, UK
- Prof. P. August - University of Rhode Island, USA
- Dr B. Taylor - University of California - San Diego, USA
- Prof. W.J. Bock - Columbia University, New York, USA
- Prof. A. Starfield - University of Minnesota, USA
- Dr N. Myers - Oxford University, UK
- Prof. D. Lipscomb - George Washington University, USA
- Dr M. Siddall - University of Michigan, USA

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