WHEREAS WE, members of the BLACK
ACADEMIC CAUCUS are committed to:
CHALLENGE the slow pace of
transformation that continues to maintain hegemonies and reproduces colonial relations
of power.
Advocate for an inclusive
and diverse academic institution that also prioritizes Black staff and their
DO HEREBY today the 3rd of
November 2015 adopt this constitution of the Black Academic Caucus at the
University of Cape Town (“UCT”).
1. Name
The name of the association is
the Black Academics Caucus – University of Cape Town and is hereinafter
referred to interchangeably as “BAC” or “the Association”
2. Purpose and Objectives
The purpose and objectives of the
Association shall be:
2.1 To establish a community of
scholars who share common experiences and facilitate networking;
2.2 To influence transformation
and decolonization of UCT and create a space for black scholars to come
2.3 To influence the higher education
landscape in South Africa with regards to transformation and decolonisation;
2.4 To advocate for transforming
the curriculum and research scholarship so that it is linked to social
justice and the experiences of black people;
2.5 To advocate for management
accountability on transformation and decolonising the university;
2.6 To advocate for increased
number/s of black academic staff employed by the university, particularly in
the professoriate and an increase in South African black staff;
2.7 To advocate for increased
representation of black academics in the governance of the university;
2.8 To challenge traditions of
patriarchy and advocate for the inclusion of women’s issues, gender, sexuality
and sexual orientation in academia;
2.9 To challenge the misrepresentation of
black academics in discourses of standards and academic excellence;
2.10 To challenge unfair
practices that obstructs the career paths of black scholars;
2.11 To review, after a period of
five years (2020), the progresses made towards achieving the goals of adequate
representation, inclusivity and diversity at the UCT.
3. Legal Personality
The BAC shall:
3.1 Be a juristic person capable
of suing and being sued in its own name;,
3.2 Acquire rights and incur
3.3 Have a perpetual life and
3.4 Acquire, hold, and alienate
property; and
3.5 Enter into agreements and do
all things necessary to carry out its aims and objectives and defend its
members, its property and reputation;
4. Membership
The following persons may be
ordinary members of the Association:
4.1 Any academic member of staff
at UCT who supports and upholds the purpose and objectives of BAC and abide by
its Constitution;
4.2 Any PASS staff who teaches or
is an active researcher at UCT and who supports and upholds the purpose and
objectives of BAC and abide by its Constitution;
4.3 A PhD student or
post-doctoral fellow at UCT who supports and upholds
the purpose and objectives of BAC
and abide by its Constitution; such a
person shall not hold an
executive position.
4.4 Applications for membership
shall be lodged with the BAC Executive Committee who has the right to decide on
4.5 All members of BAC shall
adhere to the Code of Conduct adopted by the
BAC at a general meeting.
4.6 An initial once-off
membership-fee of R600 is payable by all members of
the Association or a fixed R50
per month for 12 months. The membership
fee thereafter will be determined
by the BAC Executive Committee.
4.7 All subscriptions levied
shall be subject to the approval of the Association
in general meeting;
4.8 Membership automatically
terminates upon the receipt by the Association
of a notification of the death of
a member or written resignation;
4.9 Membership terminates if a member is
removed by a resolution of the
Executive Committee;
provided that the member has been given an
opportunity to make written or
verbal representations at a meeting of the
Executive Committee pertaining to
the proposed termination, and the
Executive Committee’s decision to
terminate membership was confirmed
by resolution of two-thirds of
the members present at the next General
Meeting, otherwise it will lapse.
Executive Committee
5.1 The Executive Committee shall
include the following positions:
Chairperson; Vice-Chairperson;
Treasurer; Secretary; and Additional
5.2 Any vacancy on the Executive
Committee may be filled at a meeting of
the Association or by co-option;
5.3 Each member (other than the
Chairperson) of the Executive Committee
may co-ordinate a subcommittee;
5.4 The Executive Committee may
co-opt additional non-voting members as
it may consider appropriate;
5.5 A person co-opted to the
Executive Committee in terms of 5.4. shall have
all the rights including the
right to vote, of a Committee member except
5.5.1 co-opted persons may not
exceed more than one-third of
members of the Executive
Committee in number;
5.5.2 only ordinary members of
the Association may be co-opted to
the Executive Committee;
5.5.3 the term of office of a
co-opted person shall not exceed that of
the Executive Committee.
5.5 The Executive Committee
members shall be elected at the Annual
General Meeting;
5.6 Any ordinary member of the
Association may be nominated for
membership of the Executive
5.7 Meetings of the Executive
Committee shall be held regularly, but no less
than four times during any
Committee’s normal term of office;
5.8 Notice of Executive Committee
meetings shall be given to all its members
by the Secretary;
5.9 The quorum for a meeting of
the Executive Committee shall be two-thirds
of the Committee;
5.10 Every decision of the
Executive Committee shall require a majority vote
of those present in its favour;
5.11 A meeting of the Executive
Committee shall also be convened at the
request of the Chairperson or two
of its members;
5.12 The term of office for any
member of the Executive Committee is 2 years,
renewable for a minimum of 1
6. Executive Committee and Duties
6.1 The Executive Committee shall
serve for two years, or until the election of a
new committee, whichever period
is the shorter;
6.2 Any person shall cease to be
an Executive Committee member if:
6.2.1 he/she ceases to be a
member of the Association;
6.2.2 he/she tenders his/her
resignation in writing and such
resignation is accepted by the
6.3 The functions of the
Committee shall be the following:
6.3.1 To convene meetings of the
6.3.2 To deal with matters of
6.3.3 To co-opt any member of the
Association to the Committee
either generally or for a special
6.3.4 To conduct, generally, the
affairs of the Association;
6.3.5 To create and constitute
such subcommittees as may be
necessary for the better running
of the affairs of the
6.3.6 An account may be open by
the treasurer and the Association
should nominate the members who
are permitted to draw upon
such accounts;
6.3.7 To recommend the annual
subscription, if any, payable by the
members of the Association;
6.3.8 To exclude or suspend any
member, for good cause;
6.3.8 To recommend to the
Association, persons for election as
honorary members;
6.4 In the event of a vacancy on
the Committee, the Committee may transfer
the functions entrusted to the
absent member to one or more of the
remaining members of the Committee
or to a co-opted member.
7. Duties: Chairperson
7.1 The Chairperson of the
Association shall preside at all meetings of the
Committee and of the Association;
7.2 In the absence of the
Chairperson, all his/her powers and duties shall
devolve on the Vice-Chairperson,
and if he/she too is absent, upon the
7.3 The Chairperson is
responsible for liaising with external stakeholders;
7.4 The Chairperson shall submit
a report on the Association’s activities over
the past year to the Annual
General Meeting;
7.5 The Chairperson may convene a
meeting of the Committee whenever
he/she deems it necessary;
8. Duties: Vice-Chairperson
8.1 To assume the duties of the
Chairperson in his/her absence; and
8.2 The Vice-Chairperson is
responsible for coordinating a subcommittee.
9. Duties: Secretary
9.1 The Secretary of the
Association shall have charge of the Association’s
record and Minute Book
9.2 The Secretary shall keep
minutes of all meetings of the Association and
the Committee;
9.3 The Secretary shall conduct
the correspondence of the Association;
9.4 The Secretary shall give due
notice of all meetings of the Committee and
the Association;
9.5 The Secretary shall keep a
copy of the Association’s Constitution, as
amended from time to time, in the
Minute Book; and
9.6 The Secretary is responsible
for coordinating a subcommittee.
10. Duties: Treasurer
10.1 The Treasurer of the
Association shall be responsible to the Executive
Committee for all the income and
expenditure of the Association during
his/her term of office;
10.2 The Treasurer shall be
entitled to draw upon the accounts of the
10.3 The Treasurer shall provide
the Secretary with the statement of income
and expenditure referred to
above; and
10.4 The Treasurer is responsible
for coordinating a subcommittee.
11. Duties: Additional Member
11.1 In the absence of the
secretary or the treasurer, the additional
member will take on the
responsibilities of either office; and
11.2 The Additional Member is
responsible for coordinating a subcommittee
12 Subcommittees
The following sub-committees
shall be formed:
12.1 Staffing, Recruitment and
12.2 Curriculum development,
Postgraduate Programmes and Student
12.3 Research, Ethics and
Postgraduate affairs;
12.4 Media, Documentation and
13 Meetings
13.1 A meeting of the Association
may be either the Annual General Meeting,
a general meeting or a special
13.2 All meetings shall be well
13.3 A special meeting shall be
convened at the written request of at least a
quorum of the members of the
Association or by the Executive
13.4 The request to convene a
special meeting shall state the business to be
considered at the meeting;
13.5 At least seven days notice
shall be given of the date of a special meeting;
13.6 The request to convene a
special meeting shall state the business to be
considered at the meeting;
13.7 All meetings of the
Association shall be presided over by the Chairperson
of the Association;
13.8 In the absence of the
Chairperson, the meeting shall be presided over by
the Deputy-Chairperson, or in the
absence of both the Chairperson and
the Deputy-Chairperson by the
13.9 In the event of all persons
referred to above being absent from the
meeting, it shall elect its’ own
presiding officer;
13.10 The presiding officer at
any meeting shall have both a deliberative and a
casting vote;
13.11 Except where otherwise
provided in this Constitution, the quorum for any
meeting shall be one fifth of the
13.12 In the absence of the
required quorum at any meeting, the business of
the meeting shall be conducted
without the necessary quorum, and the
minutes of such meeting posted on
group mail within 7 days thereof.
13.13 Any ten members may, within
fourteen days of the date of the meeting,
lodge an objection against any
decision taken at such meeting;
13.14 The Executive Committee
shall within seven days of receipt of an
objection give notice of a
special meeting in order to obtain approval of
the decision against which an
objection has been lodged;
13.15 Any decision taken at a
meeting conducted in terms of article 13.12 shall
be effective only:
13.15.1 if no objection thereto
is lodged, after the elapse of
seven days from the date of the
13.15.2 if an objection thereto
is lodged, when the decision has
been approved at the meeting
convened in terms of
article 13.14
13.16 Any objection lodged in
terms of article 13.13:
13.16.1Shall be lodged within the
stated period of time or the right to
object shall elapse;
13.16.2Shall succinctly set out
the grounds of objection.
13.17 Only ordinary members of
the Association may vote at any meeting;
13.18 Voting shall be by show of
hands, or, if the meeting so decides, by ballot,
or by Internet;
13.19 No voting may be affected
by proxy;
13.20 Except where otherwise
provided in this Constitution all matters
determined by a vote shall be
decided by a majority of those present and
13.21 The provisions of this
section shall also apply, mutatis mutandis, to
meetings of the Executive
Committee of the Association.
13.22 The Annual General Meeting
of the Association shall be held once a year
after registration;
13.23 The Executive Committee for
the ensuing year shall be elected at the
Annual General Meeting;
13.24 At every Annual General
Meeting the following reports shall be presented
to the meeting:
13.24.1. The Chairperson’s report
on the activities of the Association
over the past year; and
13.24.2The Treasurer’s report on
the financial state of the Association.
14. Affiliation
14.1 The Association may be
affiliated for a period not exceeding one year at
any time to any body if such
affiliation could assist it in pursuing and
attaining its objectives;
14.2 Only a member of the
Association may be its delegate to any body to
which it is affiliated.
15 Amendments and Dissolution
15.1 This Constitution may be
amended, the name of the Association may be
changed and the Association may
be dissolved by resolution of two-thirds of
the members present at a General
15.2 At least twenty-one days’
notice of the Meeting stating the nature of the
resolution to be proposed must be
given to all the members of the Association.
16. Indemnity
16.1 Subject to the provisions of
any relevant law, members, office-bearers or
appointed delegates of the Association
shall be indemnified by the Association
for all acts done by them in good
faith on its behalf.
16.2 Subject to the provisions of
any relevant law, no member of the Association or
appointed delegates shall be
liable for the acts, receipts, neglects or defaults of
any other member or office
bearer, or for any loss, damage or expense
suffered by the Association,
which occurs in the execution of the duties of his
or her office, unless it arises
as a result of his or her dishonesty, or failure to
exercise the degree of care,
diligence and skill required by law.
Signed by BAC Chair:
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